Hope in my Pocket

“For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.”

~ Amanda Gormon

“Eating disorder recovery is the journey home to your true self.”

-Anita Johnson

My name is Heather and I am in recovery from an eating disorder. For so long, I didn’t have any hope. There was only darkness or so I thought. I carried others’ hope for me that I would recover. I carried my therapist’s, dietician’s, psychiatrist’s, physician’s, mom’s, and friends’ hope that I would recover. This got me through some very difficult times as I was struggling. As I later realized, this was my bit of light.

“Hope is being able to see that their is light despite all the darkness.”

-Desmond Tutu

During this time, I also carried a stone with the word hope on it in my pocket. I carried it everywhere I went and would rub it in my pocket. This helped to remind me that hope was there, I only needed to look for it. Now, I am starting to be able to carry my own hope. I want to carry others’ hope that they will recover.

I hope this blog will help raise awareness about eating disorders and mental health. I hope you choose to follow me on my journey. One step at a time.

There is Light

There is Light In light of suicide prevention awareness month, I felt moved to share my experiences. I want to give hope to even one person. Hope is something I had been missing for a long time on my journey. Yet, hope has been crucial to me still being here. If you are contemplating suicide,…

The Eyes of Recovery

When I was little, I got my first pair of glasses. Before that I didn’t even know that I couldn’t see. I never saw a plane in the sky. My mom would say to me, look up in the sky  to see the plane. I would say okay, but I never saw the plane. Everything…

Climbing the Mountain

I ran into the word resiliency while I was on social media. It was a reminder of something I wanted to embody. I thought maybe this could be my word for the year. It sounded hearty and tough. It showed a lot of grit.  Last year and throughout this year, I have held onto the…